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What is the relationship with WorldCoin?

World ID is a privacy-preserving proof of personhood. It is issued by the Worldcoin protocol, allowing individuals to prove they are human to any verifier (including Web2 applications) while maintaining privacy through zero-knowledge proofs.

From the perspective of the Snowinning Protocol, World ID is a type of Verifiable Credential (VC) that proves the holder is a "natural person." We plan to introduce World ID into TermiPass in the future. For more details, please refer to the Worldcoin website.

What are the differences among DID Metadata, VC, and Reputation?

  • DID Metadata are DID related data stored on the DID Registry. It consists of declarations made by the entity about themselves. It serves as self-reported data.
  • Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are issued by one entity about another, often encapsulating objective data such as age or educational qualifications. VCs are cryptographically secure and verifiable.
  • Reputation aggregates subjective evaluations of an entity from various sources, allowing for a more nuanced interpretation that can incorporate potential inaccuracies, biases, or opinions.